Commencing with a rigorous introspection of his personal Hindu faith, Shashi Tharoor embarks on a comprehensive exploration of the religion. He pays homage to Hinduism's towering figures—Adi Shankara, Patanjali, Ramanuja, Swami Vivekananda, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, and others—whose profound insights shaped its essence. Delving into the core philosophical schools, such as Advaita Vedanta, he elucidates complex concepts in accessible terms. The Purusharthas and Bhakti are explained with clarity, and the Gita's wisdom and Vivekananda's universalism are masterfully summarized. The book also offers a sympathetic portrayal of the "Hinduism of habit" practiced by ordinary believers.
Turning to the contemporary landscape, the author critically examines the multifaceted manifestations of political Hinduism, including the violent actions of extremist groups. Hindutva is dissected, its rise analyzed, and Deen Dayal Upadhyaya's ideology scrutinized. The author is forthright in condemning extremist "bhakts" and emphasizes the peril to India's pluralistic democracy posed by religious fundamentalism. Yet, he also acknowledges the pivotal role of the Hindu majority in preserving India's secular fabric.
A groundbreaking work destined for enduring discussion, Why I Am a Hindu is a revelatory and original masterpiece.